Quantum Photonics Laboratory, University of Warsaw

Study & research in Poland


How to join our group with your own funding

Tenure-track faculty positions

Please monitor the ‘Job offers’ section at the bottom-right corner of https://www.fuw.edu.pl/faculty-of-physics-home.html. You need to look for “adjunct – teaching & research”. You may also set up an appropriate job search at EURAXESS. These are tenure-track faculty positions with 210 hours per year of teaching load.


Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships

We are happy to host MSC Postdoctoral Fellows! Please message us to discuss the possible research projects. The QPL PI is a former MSC Individual (=Postdoctoral) Fellow, he has advised several MSC applicants to success, and is an active member of Marie Curie Alumni Association. MSC PF applications close yearly in mid-September. The NAWA Ulam Programme (see below) is a back-up option for MSC Postdoctoral Fellowship applicants to Polish research institutions.

NAWA – Polish Agency for Academic Exchange

NAWA offers several incoming scholarship programmes. Please check their website: https://nawa.gov.pl/en/scientists. In particular, please note the Bekker and Ulam programmes.

NCN – National Science Centre (Poland)

NCN offers several grant programmes. Please check the NCN website for up-to-date information: NCN funding programmes.

Post-doc level programs include:

Other funding

Please check the monthly funding newsletter of the Polish Contact Point for EU Research Programmes. It includes all kinds of Polish, European and some worldwide funding. It’s available in the ‘Grants and Fellowships’ tab at https://www.euraxess.pl/poland/jobs-funding.

PhD studies

The University of Warsaw offers fully-funded 4-year PhD study program via the Doctoral School for Natural and Exact Sciences. The admissions are typically open in May for the next academic year starting in October. Please check this website for details:https://szkolydoktorskie.uw.edu.pl/en/sdnsip/enrolment/. There is no tuition fee, and a modest stipend is included. If you are in the final year of the MSc you may still apply. Your offer will be conditional on presenting a MSc diploma by early September.

Once a PhD student, you may apply for an NCN Preludium project: https://ncn.gov.pl/en/finansowanie-nauki/konkursy/typy/2. We have experience in writing successful Preludium proposals. Preludium is a great opportunity to gain your first PI experience! Preludium calls close yearly in mid-June.

MSc studies

If you would like to join our group as a MSc student, please apply to the University of Warsaw “Physics – Studies in English” MSc programme. It’s a 2-year programme combining taught classes with multiple laboratory projects, including a semester-long final MSc thesis project. Applications are typically open from June to early September. Click here to access the application system. More details about the recruitment for the 2023/24 academic year are available here.


✉ Michał Karpiński, e-mail: mkarp [at] fuw.edu.pl